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39°17'34.4" N 74°33'54.0" W

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What is a Predicted Log?
A Predicted Log is a time and navigation exercise (it is not a race) to see how well you know your boat. In a Predicted Log, you predict how much time it will take your boat to complete a given course taking into consideration the current, wind, and other factors that affect your boat’s speed. After completing the course, your actual logged time is compared to your predicted time and the Skipper who comes closest to their prediction wins!

How does it work? During a Predicted Log Skipper’s must not use any kind of timing device… so all watches, phones, and timekeeping devices must be turned off or stowed away until you have completed the course. The courses are announced at the Skipper’s meeting held at OCYC on the morning of the event. Running the course ahead of time is against the rules… but getting familiar with your boat’s ability to get from point to point without the assistance of any timekeeping device is a great way to get prepared for our Predicted Log events! Prizes are awarded at each event and the overall winner of summer’s events will have their name engraved on our Madonna Cup perpetual award on display at OCYC.

Free lunch! OCYC Fleet members look forward not only to each Predicted Log, but to the spirited award lunches back at the club that follow each event. We look forward to seeing the veteran “Ploggers” and to welcoming the newcomers. Observers are welcome to watch from the dock and to join us for lunch.

Details! If you’d like to get involved, have fun, and meet new friends… we’re always looking for volunteer timekeepers, starting horn blowers, dockhands & moral support! Email Fleet Captain, Kris Propp, at for all the details!


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© 2025 Ocean City Yacht Club | 100 Bay Road | Ocean City, NJ  08226-4420

39°17'34.4" N 74°33'54.0" W

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